Advisory and Other Value Added Services

Contribute in implementing Costing structure, Budgetary and Budgeting control.

Forecasting Profitability statement, Balance sheet & Cash flow statements, with sensitivity analysis.

Assisting in adapting to fast changing business environment.

Evaluation of Accounting and Management Information Systems (MIS) for identifying systems weaknesses and advising.

Advising on EDP based systems and carrying out a software/application review

Designing, implementation and special review of system controls.

Optimization of working capital management.

Export & Import functions; Compliance & incentives review.

Valuation, Due Diligence and related services in Mergers and Acquisitions.

Physical verification of stocks at plants, depots, mines, dock and other locations

Fixed Asset Verification & Maintenance of register.

Fixed Assets and depreciation accounting under recently amended the Company's Act 2013.

Strategizing on entry in India & business startups.

Adoption of Indian fiscal laws